Business Studies Gcse Coursework - Unit 1

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Unit 1 – Controlled Assessment Activity 1 By Jamie Green Contents Heading Page Activity 1 Our Task 3 How I Approached It 3 Reasons for Choosing 3 My Research 4 Aims and Objectives 5 Competition 5-6 Sectors 6-7 Conclusion 7 Activity 1 Our Task Our task in Activity 1 was to find out and understand what as business was and the businesses aims/objectives. I approached this task by doing the required activities such as finding and creating research and evidence in order to help me write this assessment. How I approached/planned the task My method of approaching the task was to gather evidence. I created and activity plan which consisted of the following points below: * For activity 1, I will create and prepare a report on the two businesses I have selected. * Firstly, I will explain why I chose these two businesses. * I will spend 30 minutes on researching and print screening in order to provide evidence in my report. * Thirdly, I will look at the company’s competitors. This will help me find out what my chosen companies are doing to compete and how they are constantly having to adapt to different ways of working and even working environments. * Finally, I will use 1 hour of my time to access information on my two business. This should include facts such as what the businesses point is and what they’re aims and objectives are. Reasons for choosing my two businesses The two businesses I have chosen are – Sainsbury’s as my large business and Nest Vintage Living as my small business. I have chosen Sainsbury’s as my large business because I have a lot of knowledge on Sainsbury’s. This is because my parents regularly shop there, and I live close to a Sainsbury’s Local. This allows me to easily access

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