Bsbinn601b Case Study

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BSBINN601B Manage organisational change Assessment Student Name: | Introduction and instructions:The assessment for this Unit of Competency consists of three assessment tasks: 1. Theory assessment – requiring you to write a report; 2. Case Study scenario – requiring you to analyse the case study organization and prepare a plan and conduct a presentation, 3. Practical – requiring you to revise plan, by conducting an information session and collecting feedback from surveys. | Result:The result of each assessment task will be either ‘Satisfactory’ (S) or ‘Not Satisfactory’ (NS). Once you have satisfactorily completed all assessment tasks for a unit of competency you will be deemed to be Competent(C). If you have not satisfactorily…show more content…
* To develop an integrated approach to distribution management utilising technology such as PDA devices and GPS. * To develop and maintain a cohesive and well-motivated workforce. Strategic goals are supported by the following operational and human resources goals. Operational plan goals * Testing of the distribution management system is to cease and allow implementation within the first quarter of the 2012 financial year. * The truck fleet will need to be expanded by 8 trucks within the 2012 financial year. * Small distribution hubs will be positioned at Maitland, Goulburn, Nowra and Bathurst each manned by two employees within the next eighteen months. * Fast Track Couriers will complete 20% of deliveries to regional locations in the next three years. Human resources goals: * To incorporate a Human Resources function to facilitate the changes in workforce management in the first quarter of the 2012 financial year. * Introduce professional development and training to achieve organisational goals and promote understanding of organisation’s strategic goals in the first quarter of the 2012 financial…show more content…
Review the simulated workplace information for Fast Track Couriers. 2. Following the communications plan provided in Appendix 4, develop a survey to gather feedback from employees. 3. Meet with a union representative (your assessor) to receive and discuss the results of the survey. Anticipate possible resistance by this stakeholder and promote your plans to gain acceptance. Ask for additional input to help you revise your change management communications strategy. 4. Draft revised communications plan and overall project plan (from Assessment Task 2) in consideration of barriers identified through consultation process (with your assessor acting as a union representative) and those identified in risk analysis provided in Appendix 3. Highlight strategic elements in your plan which you will deploy to gain trust and acceptance of change. Ensure you consider the needs of all stakeholders to gain support for planned changes. 5. Meet with General Manager (assessor) to discuss ideas for revised communications plan and overall project plan based on feedback. * Discuss the needs of all stakeholders. * Discuss creative technique, activity or tactic you will use to gain trust and acceptance in the 15–20 minute information session you will

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