Pspethc501B Assessment Three Booklet.Doc

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[pic] PSPETHC501B Promote the values and ethos of public service Assessment Three Booklet ASSESSMENT THREE - PART ONE Consider the following case study: You have been asked to update the training and development of your employees, focusing on the values and principles of working within the public service. You have decided to prepare a short presentation on your agency's code of conduct, and in particular the features you have identified as important in guiding ethical behavior. You have also decided to provide four examples of potentially ethically challenging situations that could arise within your particular workplace for your staff, as well as discussing some guidelines for avoiding unethical behavior in each of the examples. Finally you will discuss the reporting process for non-ethical behavior within your agency. Complete the following: 1. Prepare and present a 15-minute presentation on the code of conduct and the features you have identified as important in guiding ethical behavior. (This presentation is to be completed for your assessor.) Submit a written report of approximately 500 words and include supporting presentation material. 2. Provide four examples of potentially ethically challenging situations that could arise within your workplace and provide written guidelines for dealing with each of these. Submit a written report of approximately 500 words. Example One (Sexual Harassment) Jane and Mark work within the department and have for the past year. They generally work very well together. In the last few weeks Jane has not been her normal bubbly self and is becoming withdrawn I pulled Jane aside privately and asked her what was wrong she advised me that Mark has been touching her on the arm and lower back and making
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