Brand Loyalty vs. Repeat Purchase Behavior

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Beyond Loyalty: customer satisfaction, loyalty and fortitude Breaks satisfaction down into a cognitive and affective state. The cognitive state incorporates consumers expectations and disconfirmation value for money The affective state is about having an emotional response. It is difficult to suggest the in fact meaning of satisfaction in this situation, it goes beyond the simple definition as it is used as a realization of emotions which extends beyond basic need facilitator. Many studies have been conducted relating satisfaction positively to different types of loyalty such as attitudinal , cognitive, affective, conative and short term loyalty. However to reach the final stage of action loyalty, satisfaction does not seem to satisfy the motivation to dodge obstacles. Studies also convey that loyalty extends beyond satisfaction and includes, market position, service reliability and efficiency. States that “true” loyalty emerges in oliver’s 3rd state of conative when the buyer has the intention to re-purchase. Reinforces the positive influence of fortitude and community when creating brand loyalty. And the relation of active engagement to product adoration as previously mentioned being an essential part of fortitude. Community can aid: self – fulfillment, emotional connection, influence the company and allow them to voice their views and create bond with other members who share a love or use the service. Ass seen before it uses satisfaction as an andecedent of fortitude and virtual community, the two branches which are conceived as being “beyond loyalty” and “ultimate loyalty” “action loyalty items address strong consumer confidence in the brand, and the likliehood that a consumer would seek information regarding competing products or switch brands. “ hard to measure action sometimes it may overlap, takes a lot of time to

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