Born Into Brothels

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------------------------------------------------- Born InTo Brothels Exploration of the documentary, style of research and researcher. ------------------------------------------------- Born InTo Brothels Exploration of the documentary, style of research and researcher. Patrick Mackenna Patrick Mackenna Born into Brothels was an excellently crafted documentary chronicling the lives of children growing up in brothels. The researcher takes an active, participatory role in their lives and attempts to alter their futures by engaging them in education. Research on both the subjects and their respective family dynamics, home environment was highly informative; effectively communicating the lives of these children. The documentary is a true testament to the barriers associated with outgrowing a dysfunctional upbringing and the potential impact of positive role models, as well as the opportunities afforded by education. Born into Brothels is both inspiring and heartbreaking. The research was effective in communicating to the observer both the lives of the subjects and exploring their feelings, attitudes, as well as response to the possibility of education as a transformative factor. Implementation of education for these children faced many a barrier, mainly their home environment and parents. Piercing the dynamics of an unhealthy family system is an enormous, laborious task met with great resistance. Systems theory postulates, “There are predictable patterns of behavior that emerge in a family system. These repetitive cycles of behavior help maintain the families’ equilibrium and provide clues to the elements about how they should function” (Rosenblatt, 1994). Active resistance against implementing change was evident in the research; many of the families (albeit intentional or unintentional) presented roadblocks for the children’s education.

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