“Examine Some Of The Benefits Of Employing Drama i

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“Examine some of the benefits of employing drama in an educational context”. Within the play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is one of the key main characters and her influence in particularly upon Macbeth is significant to driving the plot along. Although many attributes of Lady Macbeth’s personality and actions are seen as negative, her confidence and determination can be seen as positive forces. Confidence in the classroom is widely encouraged by teachers and other classroom support staff. Through the integration and subtle use of drama in the classroom it is widely regarded as a key influence on helping to build self esteem and confidence within students. Chalmers (2007) suggests that “drama activities will develop strong social skills, more self confidence and a deep understanding of co-operative team work.” Confidence is a skill that cannot be learned but is developed through the support of those around the individual and the belief that they can achieve what is desired of them. Through using role play and dramatic situations within the classroom, students are encouraged to act in character and play indivuals far from their own lives. Warren (2002) states that “drama is an important step in gaining confidence and control... drama is expressing and communicating what the students have to say”. If a student struggles with their own self confidence, through allowing them to play other characters they can fully self absorb themselves into different roles and express themselves in different ways. Students become detached from the real world and absorb themselves into ‘play world’ allowing them to push their own self confidence barriers allowing their confidence to flourish and develop. Dramatic learning and through encouraging students to act in different ways and be different people allows the students to gain understanding about feelings and emotions beyond
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