CYPOP7: Importance Of Creativity And Creative Development

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CYPOP7 – Unit Assessment Project Task 1 links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. The EYFS framework emphasises the importance of creativity and creative learning and creative development is one of the main areas of learning within the early years curriculum. Defining creativity is not straightforward, but it is agreed among many theorists that the creative process involves a number of components including imagination, originality, productivity, problem solving and the ability to produce an outcome of value and worth. Creativity should not only deal with the traditional expressive arts, such as painting and drawing or dance, but should include creativity in all subjects including science and maths. Creativity in…show more content…
(Ofsted, 2010; p.8) A good example of a creative learning activity would be making biscuits. They would be working with different ingredients with different textures and tastes. Talking about where the ingredients come from and listening and following instructions which can help them develop their communication skills. Measuring quantities can encourage number recognition and counting. Rolling out and cutting out their own shaped biscuits can help develop fine motor skills and designing and decorating their biscuits can give them a chance to get creative and explore their ideas. There are several current theoretical approaches to creativity and creative learning in early childhood. Nature or nurture – These theories looks at whether children are born creative and have a natural gift for creativity or whether help and encouragement can build a child’s…show more content…
Theorists Robert Sternberg and Howard Gardner argue that children who can make new connections and draw something new from them is a type of intelligence. It is important to offer children lots of first-hand experiences so that they can develop knowledge and draw from their own experiences. Social Models – These theories look at the environment in which the children are learning and the adults they are supported by. Social models link to cultural approaches and role modelling. Children learn by observing and imitating and so watching and being supported by adults who encourage and work creatively by being flexible in approach, solving problems and painting and drawing with them can help develop their creativity. Children’s environments and the practitioners who work with them should be receptive to new ideas and innovations and encourage them to explore and be creative. Creativity as a process – Some theories look at creativity as a process. They look at how new ideas develop. An early theory put forward by Graham Wallas was a five-stage model that focused on the unconscious mind: • Preparation – initial thoughts about a problem • Incubation – time spent thinking unconsciously about the problem • Intimation – being aware that an answer is within

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