Benefits of Strength Training

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Strength training benefits a person physically and mentally. Strength training can help build your physique and overall cardiovascular. It also helps to boost, you’re moral, and thinking. Strength training will in turn help to prevent age related decline in muscle mass, to prevent osteoporosis, and to increase the rate of fat loss and enhance mobility. This in turn will help to make it easier to participate in aerobic exercises and other sports. There are 4 Adaptations to endurance training and 11 principles that every athlete should follow. The adaptations to endurance training are: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Neuromuscular, and Cardiovascular adaptations. Cardiovascular Adaptations - Aerobic endurance training would result in capillaries increasing in number and size as well. Therefore the more O2 rich the blood can be transported to the muscle. Connected to this, there will be increases in the levels if hemoglobin and myoglobin thereby supporting the transport of the inhaled O2. There is lower blood viscosity and because of this, the blood is thinner and flows through the body more easily. Hematocrit is decreased and the ratio of blood cell volume is also decreased. All this leads to an increase in the a-Vo2 max level of the body. Respiratory Adaptations – The respiratory response to exercise is substantially changed by endurance training. The amount of O2 inhaled and the CO2 exhaled is increased. A higher respiration rate would not only give more O2 but also get rid of more CO2.Endurance training would increase the cappilirazation around t alveoli therby helping to increase the rate of O2 exchanged and CO2 removal. Neuromuscular Adaptations – There would be an increase in be glycogen stores in the muscles, increase in I2 through higher concentration of capillaries, hemoglobin and myoglobin as well as the size and number of mitochondria where muscular

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