Physioex 9.1, Exercise 5 Cardiovascular Dynamics

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ACTIVITY 1 Studying the Effect of Blood Vessel Radius on Blood Flow Rate 1. Explain how the body establishes a pressure gradient for fluid flow. There is a difference in pressures at the ends of the vessels. 2. Explain the effect that the flow tube radius change had on flow rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction? The increase of flow tube radius increased the flow rate, as predicted. 3. Describe the effect that radius changes have on the laminar flow of a fluid. The larger radius, the greater laminar flow. This is due to more room inside of the vessel for blood to travel. 4. Why do you think the plot was not linear? (Hint: Look at the relationship of the variables in the equation.) How well did the results compare with your prediction? The increase in radius resulted in an increase flow rate, as predicted. ACTIVITY 2 Studying the Effect of Blood Viscosity on Blood Flow Rate 1. Describe the components in the blood that affect viscosity. The plasma, red and white blood cells, and platelets cause resistance as they travel through vessels. 2. Explain the effect that the viscosity change had on flow rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction? A higher viscosity yielded a slower flow rate, as predicted. 3. Describe the graph of flow versus viscosity. There was an exponential response, which was depicted on the graph. 4. Discuss the effect that polycythemia would have on viscosity and on blood flow. Polycythemia is an increase in red blood cells, which would increase the viscosity and decrease flow. ACTIVITY 3 Studying the Effect of Blood Vessel Length on Blood Flow Rate 1. Which is more likely to occur, a change in blood vessel radius or a change in blood vessel length? Explain why. Increase in blood vessel radius is more likely to occur.
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