Naked Economics Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Market Demand, Supply, and Elasticity After reading chapter 3, MARKET DEMAND, SUPPLY, AND ELASTICITY, you should be able to: • • • • • • • • Discuss the Law of Demand and draw a Demand Curve. Distinguish between a Change in Demand and a Change in Quantity Demanded. List and explain the factors that will shift a demand curve. Explain the Law of Supply and draw a Supply Curve. Distinguish between a Change in Supply and a Change in Quantity Supplied. List and explain the factors that will shift a supply curve. Use demand and supply curves to determine the equilibrium price and quantity of a good. Use demand and supply curves to show the effect changes in supply and/or demand have on the price and quantity of a good. • Define Price…show more content…
(a) an increase in the demand for tires. (b) a decrease in the demand for tires. (c) an increase in the price of rubber used to manufacture tires. (d) a revolutionary new method of production that allows twice as many tires to be produced from the same amount of rubber. (e) government imposition of quotas that exclude producers from the market. A factor that causes the demand curve for a good to shift to the right also causes (a) the supply curve of the good to shift to the right. (b) the supply curve of the good to shift to the left. (c) no shift in the supply curve. (d) the demand curve to shift to the left. (e) none of the above, because there is no general relationship. Presume there is another baby boom, so that the number of babies born dramatically increases. This will _________ the price of diapers and _________ quantity produced. (a) lower; lower (b) lower; raise (c) raise; lower (d) raise; raise (e) raise; not change Supply curves do not shift if there is a change in the (a) number of sellers of the good. (b) technology used to produce the good. (c) price of the good. (d) price of resources used to produce the good. (e) price of other…show more content…
2. (e) This is the definition of demand. Notice how it is different from the meaning of wants. (d) These changes result because the increase in price of imported cars increases the demand for domestic cars. This is illustrated above, where the equilibrium price rises from P to P’ and the quantity from Q to Q’. (b) The substitution effect is closely related to the principle of substitution. (c) Answer (a) is incorrect because it causes an upward movement along the demand curve. Answers (b) and (d) cause the demand curve to shift to the left. (c) The distinction between an increase (or decrease) in demand and an increase (or decrease) in quantity demanded is vital. Changes in the price of the good cause changes in its quantity demanded but not changes in demand. (d) An improvement in technology causes the supply curve for a commodity to shift out, that is, causes an increase in supply. (c) Factors that cause shifts in the demand curve have no direct effect on supply, so the supply curve does not shift. (d) The baby boom shifts the demand curve for diapers to the right, resulting in an increase in both the equilibrium price and quantity. (c) Changes in the price of the good cause changes in the quantity supplied of the good; that is, movements along the supply
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