Belonging Simple Gift Essay

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It’s only when we come to accept our differences that we truly belong People are threatened by what is different – the unknown, the other. It is only when an individual recognizes and accepts their differences do they truly belong. The Simple Gift by Steven Herrick, 10 Things I Hate About You directed by Gil Junger and Numb by Linkin Park all show the impact of this decision on an individual. A poor or negative relationship can often influence an individual’s sense of belonging. In Steven Herrick’s verse novel The Simple Gift; the protagonist Billy experiences feelings of alienation because of his abusive father. This is exposed through the use of a flashback. In “Sport”, Billy is shown as a child kicking a ball in the backyard, thinking of his achievements “My first season of sport and I’d already scored a goal!”. This positive tone is strongly contrasted with that of Billy’s father, who “comes thundering out” and severely reprimands his son who “accidently broke the bedroom window”. Herrick effectively highlights Billy’s father’s contempt through sensory imagery; his “one hard back hander” causes Billy to “taste the blood dribbling out” of his nose. The exclusion that Billy feels in his family prompts him to search for a better place to belong. He develops distaste for his own hometown of Nowheresville. “I throw one rock on the roof/ of each deadbeat, no hoper/ shithole lonely downtrodden house/ in Longlands Road, Nowheresville” here, an accumulation of negative diction, which reinforces the feelings of alienation that such a place arouses for Billy. The use of harsh alliterative sounds also reveals Billy’s negative tone. It is evident that Billy must search for more opportunities and a new home where he will feel free to ultimately belong. Billy recognizes he doesn’t belong in Nowheresville and in doing so he moves on to Bendarat, here he meets two people
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