Basic Hints to Parents About Raising Children

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BASIC HINTS TO PARENTS ABOUT RAISING CHILDREN BY: DR (MRS) PAT .E. MBAH The task of bringing up children in this contemporary society has become enormous and more challenging. Parents are constantly faced with changing trends in life situation coupled with economic recession. Meeting the needs and fulfilling family responsibilities have really posed a heinous task to most families affecting the raising of children in proper perspective. Bringing up children “successfully” is a task that both parents must take seriously. Able parents are those that have the best chance of knowing what will truly bring the best results in the family environment. There are about 10 basic principles which seem to be general agreement on procedure of operation in raising children. Although they are not new, these rules of raising children can serve as a useful guide for parents, teachers and all care givers. LOVE ABUNDANTLY: The most important job is to love and be and truly interested in your children. This does not only give sense of security, belonging, and support but also soothes the difficulties of childhood. The love of a mother or father should be special in two ways: First, love should be constant and unconditional. Love must always be there. Even when the child is behaving terribly. Second, the parents should express and show their love openly so that the children never doubt its presence. These means that parents should hug and praise their children at every possible opportunity. DISCIPLINE IN A POSITIVE WAY Discipline means establishing and adhering to rules of behavior. After love, it is important to give a clear direction, making sure that the children comply with your rules of conduct. Discipline is an essential preparation for the outside world. It will make your child happier and better behaved. It is better to use positive statements and say “do these” more often than

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