Atticus Finch & Aunt Alexandra

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Atticus Finch and Aunt Alexandra Having a positive attitude and fostering virtues toward children is the key they will set within the home and the community. Providing comfort, love, nurture, and freedom to develop in a tolerant atmosphere, but also constantly teaching them harsh lessons for them to avoid mistakes, and be successful in life. Parents are their children’s strongest role model and greatest influence, positive or negative your children will take the example as a pattern for the way life is supposed to be lived. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee both Atticus Finch and Aunt Alexandra have strong senses of morality and both understand how things should be, but each reacts to things differently as Aunt Alexandra is very class conscious, judges people by their family while Atticus rejects this notion of “fine families” and values honesty, hard work, fairness and compassion. By examining the differing parenting skills and contrasting ancestry and family pride of both Atticus and Alexandra it is certain that Alexandra is more committed to southern tradition, while Atticus is the ideal man who shows ultimate accomplishment and achievement. Atticus believes in bringing up Jem and Scout so they can explore things freely, he is not overly controlling of them but keeps up his communication with them in order to maintain their close relationship, but Aunt Alexandra believes in structure and bringing up children in different ways so they can be what she wants them to be. To begin, Atticus is affectionate with his children, Jem and Scout; he provides them with care, love and freedom but at the same time he is a firm disciplinarian, and always teaches his children to think of how their actions may affect others. For example, when Jem damages the camellia bushes of Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose, Atticus demands him to read to her each day to make up

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