Assignment 204 Introduction to Duty of Care in Health and Social Care or Childrens and Young Peoples Settings

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Assignment 204 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care AI). Types of abuse Physical: Including hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking or injuring someone or misuse of medication. Sexual: Including rape, sexual assault or pressuring someone into sexual acts they haven’t consented to, don’t understand or feel powerless to refuse. Emotional: Including threats of harm or abandonment, isolation, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, or witholding services or supportive networks. Financial or material: Including theft, fraud, misuse of property, possessions, benefi ts, and deliberate or premeditated mismanagement of fi nances. Neglect and acts of omission: Including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failing to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services, withholding medication, nutrition or heating. Discriminatory:Including abuse that is racist, sexist, or based on disability or age, other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment. Institutional: Including people being mistreated by services or in places such as residential homes, nursing homes or hospitals because of poor or inadequate care, neglect or poor working practice that affects the whole of that service. AII). Some possible signs of potential abuse: • Insuffi cient money to cover bills, food and other living expenses. • Unexplained marks, bruises or injuries. • Changes in behaviour, such as being withdrawn, angry or scared. • Changes in appearance such as being shabby or unkempt. AIII).& AIV) If you think someone is or may be experiencing abuse you should: • Ensure the person is safe, if you can. • Dial 999 if the person is in imminent danger or in need of immediate medical attention, and ask for the police or ambulance as appropriate.
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