Assessment Task – Shc 33 Promote Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings

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Assessment task – CYPOP 1 Work with babies and young children to promote their development and learning Outcomes 1 and 3 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 1.1 There are six aspects of development for children which are all linked, each affecting the others. These are;  Physical development  Intellectual development  Language development  Emotional development  Social development  Spiritual development In the first month of life a baby lies on their back. If laid on their tummy they will turn their head to one side. Towards the end of the first month they will be able to lift their head when in this position. They will turn their head towards light and shiny objects and are fascinated with the human face. They can focus on objects up to 20cm away. They react to sounds, especially familiar voices and quieten when picked up. They begin to make eye contact, cry to indicate need and move their eyes towards the direction of sound. Between four to eight weeks the baby begins to turn from their side to back and can lift their head briefly from the lying on their tummy. Their arm and leg movements are jerky and uncontrolled and their head will lag if pulled to a sitting position. They will recognise their carer and familiar objects and will coo and gurgle. Their cry becomes more expressive depending on whether they are tired, hungry or need changing and usually stops crying when they see or hear a familiar voice. From eight to twelve weeks a baby will lift their head and chest when lying on their tummy and there is almost no head lag when in a sitting position. Their legs can kick vigorously, both separately and together. They wave their arms, bring their hands together and play with their fingers. They are able to hold a rattle for a short time before dropping it. At this age babies become distressed by sudden loud noises and show

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