Assess the View That the Education System Serves to Maintain Consensus in Society?

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'Assess the view that the education system serves to maintain consensus in society?' Functionalists believe in a consensus. A consensus in society is the idea that everyone shares the same norms and values. Functionalists believe that maintaining the shared norms and values is the job of education. Education acts as a bridge between primary socialisation and secondary socialisation, therefore teaching us to adopt the same norms and values and socialising young people into the basic values of society. If education teaches a consensus then it teaches all the values and mannerisms that haven’t been learnt at home, for the wider world. This helps the transmission from one to the other. A criticism of this theory is that this theory could appear to be an ‘over-socialised view’ on society and the education system. It also implies that all students will agree and comply with the norms and values when that is not the case, the transmission of norms and values may not always be successful some pupils will openly reject them. There are many different theories on education. One is that it provides role allocation. This is the idea that education allocates people to the most appropriate job for their talents by using examinations and qualifications. This means that the most talented will get high qualifications, important jobs and therefore rewards. The least talented people will get few qualification, lower paid jobs and therefore less rewards. This theory will make students want to work harder by offering incentives such as; higher salaries or greater rewards. A criticism of this theory is that intelligence and ability have only a limited influence of educational achievement. Another view could be that Education teaches specialist skills, from one generation to the next. This means that is prepares people for the future and for an occupation. A criticism of this theory
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