Outline and Assess Functionalist Explanations of the Relationship Between Education and Work (50 Marks)

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Outline and Assess Functionalist Explanations of the Relationship Between Education and Work (50 Marks) A Functionalist view on education is that it is a meritocratic system that gives everyone who enters into it an equal opportunity for success within and after full time education. One of the main reasons for this is because of a national curriculum that all state schools have to follow, meaning that there is a minimum standard of education and that everyone gets taught the same things. Furthermore, Functionalists see education as a way of maintaining society by socialising young people in a specific way, by creating competition, levels of success and equality of opportunity. In addition to this socialisation, education is also important for teaching such vital skills as learning about the basics of the economy and giving young people a basic knowledge of certain things that will help them within employment, such as literacy, numeracy and IT. Education is also one of the main influences on role allocation within society; allocating people to the most appropriate jobs for their talent, using examinations and their results from these. Durkheim views the education system as an institution that can create social solidarity. This is done by teaching students about the common norms and values of the British culture through the national and hidden curriculum, this enables people to establish a common view on society as a whole, therefore, in theory, creating a more harmonic society. In addition to this, schools create a miniature society, teaching students to cooperate, follow rules and respect their seniors. Parson views the education system as being meritocratic, enabling everyone to have equal opportunities, and success being down to individual desire to succeed and ability. Parsons also viewed education as a bridge between family and society, enabling people
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