Assesment and Planning with Children and Young People

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SCMP 1 – Assessment and Planning with Children and Young People 1.1 Explain the value of a child centred model of assessment and planning A child centred model of assessment will address the needs of the young person, it will ensure a holistic view of the child’s development overall including social, emotional, physical and intellectual development, it will give the child the right to be heard and their opinions to count and to contribute to decisions effecting there daily life, within our setting the basis of this may be found in the care and placement plans, specifically the 5 outcomes section that will address the individual needs of the child, consultations will take place with the child in order for them to be heard and this will be recorded and reported and acted upon. 1.2 Explain how to identify the needs of children and young people Within our setting we may use various methods to identify the needs of the children who are in our care some of these methods may include: * Social services reports * Reviewing previous reports from other service providers to get as much background information as possible. * Through on going LAC reviews. * Analysing reports from educational psychologists. * Analysing reports from an external social psychologists. * Working with CAHMS (child and adolescent mental health services) for on-going assessments and plans. * Through carrying out observations and assessments. * Through talking with the young person (and possibly the YPS family) and carrying out consultation reports. 1.3 Explain the importance of working with others to assess the needs of children and young people to inform planning It is important that children and young people have a variety of agencies or practitioners working alongside them, this will allow for the most appropriate skills to be
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