Early Learning and Childcare

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Task 13.1 As a practitioner it’s your duty to observe and maintain correct procedures to ensure that the children are offered a stimulating environment which will further allow optimum possibilities for development. All those who work with or amongst children and young people have a crucial role to play in helping not only to shape aspects of their lives, but to also aid in enhancing their future development. Therefore it can be stated that how we set up our own working practices can affect children and young people’s development. The necessity of encouragement and expression to children of the importance of good physical and mental health through their diet, exercise and healthy. If we do not promote and encourage a healthy and balanced lifestyle, it could results in the children having poorly developed immune system which in turn would cause them to be ill and have days off school which would affect their development. Being protected from harm and neglect. Practitioners need to incorporate on rules and safety which will then educate children at an early age to be vigilant and cautious of any harm. Therefore it is important that these procedures are enforced minimize risk with the practice should be carried out to ensure it meets the regulatory requirements. A practice that participates in being involved within the community and not engaging in anti-social behaviour as well as instilling crucial moral values in children from early years to mould their emotional and social development and to determine the kind of adult they will become. Reference used: www.cache.org.uk/ Task 13.2 The Senco in an educational setting gives support to children and families with special needs they are also responsible for identification of special needs. Additional learning support staff works within and outside schools providing a range of services to help children who have
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