Positive Child Guidance

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Positive Child Guidance “Changes and regressions in behavioural patterns are integral to the learning process in early childhood. It is not enough for adults working with children to be knowledgeable about each child’s learning abilities and progress towards goals. In order to treat every child with respect and dignity, adults must be aware of children’s strengths, understand that they have reasons for their actions, and give each child regular and honest feedback that is positive”. ECE Lead. I always try to adopt positive strategies very sensitively which would bring out the best in a child. I believe that it is very important to define children in terms of their strength rather than focussing a negative behaviour. Certain behaviours which have negative connotation may be reassessed as positive attributes. I believe that each child should receive positive feedback which will make them more empowered. “Structure the programme to enhance children’s well-being and sense of belonging through such things as provision of energetic outdoor play, use of music and rhythms, calm and pleasant routines for meals and rest times”. However small the achievement a child has to be praised and encouraged. “Success succeeds”. I also provide understanding and support in adversity; this is very important especially when children have toilet accidents. Recognition and help can cope with adversity; when things go wrong the child can be upset but this is not a tragedy but a successful trial by the child. With James I offer other alternatives and provide support to try again. Each day include both change and predictability. “Activities are means to a goal, not goals in themselves”. If a child is fearful or upset at a situation such as a best friend leaving for school (as in Katelyn’s case), death in the family (Chloe’s aunt July’s twin children’s loss), a new environment (Sofia’s
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