They will also be less likely to develop emotional problems like depression or anxiety. Adults have got to take children seriously, listen to them, make them feel that they are important, encourage children to try things out for themselves. This can be done by being close by to them, so they know there is an adult there if they need them. This often gives them more confidence to try things. It is always good to praise the children when they are able to achieve something and to keep giving them encouragement all of the way.
CYPCore35 CYPCore35-1.1 Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained. Positive relationships are built and maintained e.g. : Why positive relationship are important: * Children become strong & independent through positive relationships * Very aware of adults attitudes and perceptive if they are liked & valued * Any negativity is immediately picked up by children * Rejection can follow them into adulthood and breed negativity and low self esteem * How they are built & maintained: * Being warm and approachable * Giving praise • communicating effectively • being consistent and fair * keeping promises and honouring commitments * mutual respect Why is it important for you to build positive relationships with the children in your care, explain to me how you build and maintain these? In your writing please provide at least five bullet point examples. * To get the best out of them * To then be able to encourage them to strive to be their best.
Effective communication with parents ensures that they are confident in the school and their child’s learning, which in turn is passed on to the child. 1.2 Relationship building does not come by chance and effective communication is needed to develop positive relationships. You must show respect by listening to what other people have to say regarding their views and beliefs. Some individuals might have different values to your own and it is important to respect these values and consider them when communicating with these people. For example, with people from different cultures or with different religious beliefs.
Unit 5 Develop Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and others involved in Their Care 5.1.1 Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained Positive relationships with the children and young people with whom we work is important because relationships between carers and children can have a profound effect on the child and greatly enhance a childs learning and development whereas a negative relationship would likely have the opposite effect on the child. Positive relationships with children help to create a comfortable, safe, secure and hopefully happy environment for a child thus enabling the child to separate more easily from parents, behave better in the setting, develop appropriately and learn through active participation in play activities as they are likely to feel emotionally secure with the adults around them. The positive relationship also gives the care workers a better understanding of the child and aids planning and development of the child for the professional. Building and maintaining effective relationships is something people learn to do naturally and it involves effective communication with the child which is differs depending on the age of a child so for example a baby recognises communication in a tangible sense, holding, cuddling, stroking the baby’s cheek, from this the baby knows you are there and are caring for them. A teenager would need a different approach, for example simply chatting to them about their likes and dislikes, this shows them that you are interested in them as an individual.
Unit 5: Develop Positive Relationship with Children, Young People and Others Involved in Their Care. 1. Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people. 1.1 Explain why positive relationships with children and young people and how these are built and maintained Positive relationship with children and young people is important because they help children to develop their independence, self esteem and wellbeing. A child will always play and learn better when they are comfortable in their surroundings.
Effective Communication is important with pupils because it maintains a good relationship between the Teaching and the pupil when developing these positive relationships. Children want to be in an honest and trustworthy environment. If they don’t feel that they can trust you they will find it hard to approach you and this could affect the child’s learning. Having a positive relationship will allow the child to feel more comfortable around the T/A which will inevitably create a good learning atmosphere for everyone. Consistency and Patience will help you build this relationship.
This applies to the way the parents feel about us too, perhaps they will be more open to discussion as they will feel valued and welcome. Good working relationships will enable staff to rely on each other to pull together and help the nursery reach its highest potential. K3C155 – The relevant legal requirements which cover the way I relate to and interact with children include The Children’s Act 2004. This act was designed with guiding principles in mind for the care and support of children. These are: • To allow children to be healthy • Allow children to remain safe in their environments • Help children to enjoy life • Assist children in their quest to succeed • Help make a positive contribution to the lives of children • Help achieve economic stability for our children’s futures.
1.1 Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained. When working with children and young people it is important for them to feel relaxed within the environment and the people they come in to contact with; this promotes a child’s ability and enables positive development. We are required within our job to build relationships rather quickly while maintaining the professional boundaries. Children and young people who have a positive relationship with a practitioner are more likely to display positive behaviour, and have confidence enabling them to communicate successfully. When children who are in a nursery setting feel comfortable with staff it becomes easier for them to separate with their parents and engage in activities and play.
To maintain a positive relationship with children, there is a need for the child to understand that you will be there for them to listen to and work through any problems in a calm and relaxed manner. To spend time with a child doing activities that they enjoy will give them a feeling of worth, that they are important and that their feelings and thoughts are valued. It is also important not to be critical or put down any person that might be important in a child’s life, no matter what the circumstances are. When building relationships with children it is vital that I find out what their likes and dislikes are, this could be something as simple as finding out what their favourite food is or putting their favourite cartoon on television for them to watch as it makes a child feel like you are listening to them for the small and not so important things in life and so in turn helps in the process of building trust and then a child can feel secure and confident that you will deal with other significant issues with the same attention.
Making sure you are listening to the children when they are talking, this will show them that you are interested and value their opinion. Show that you are approachable, this will put children at ease, children of all ages and abilities and culture should feel secure and valued. When children see how adults behave they will copy this behaviour and take this into adulthood so it is important that they have good role models. 1.2• describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s Stage of development. When dealing with children you should ensure that when communicating with them you take into account their age, stage of development.