Art Class Essay

260 Words2 Pages
Later on, in the article the adults were encouraged by children because they say that the children’s were having fun. It demonstrate me that anyone can be capable of having fun and doing interesting things by believing that we can do it. This article also explain me how adults felt, when doing a new activity such as panic, shyness and intimidated by this it showed me that if adults felt this way we can see how students can feel doing new activities because of the lack of ability. It demonstrate me that trying new activities will help students learn in different ways it will help a regular teacher to be an excellent teacher. It will also help students to enjoy going to class every day. Every teacher should use many different ways to teach students, this will help students to be entertained while learning. This article also illustrates that even how uncomfortable the activity is, the most important thing is the students are learning and at the same time having fun. In conclusion, I can relate this article in the future, when I become a teacher. It will help me to teach students in many different ways. I want my students to demonstrate positive values and behavior. I would also try to teach students by doing new activities that will help them learn and be encouraged trying new things in the future. this is why it happened when you need help from someone else even though but it cen be wort is always. this will help many

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