Army Sponsorship SOP Essay

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DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HHD ____ ORDNANCE BATTALION CMR ____ APO AE ____ OFFICE SYMBOL MEMORANDUM FOR See Distribution SUBJECT: HHD, ____ Ordnance Battalion SOP, Sponsorship SOP 1. REFERENCES. a. AR 600-8-8, The Army Sponsorship Program, dated 1 July 1993 b. USAREUR Letter #13, dated 10 April 1995 c. USAREUR Policy Letter, subj: Post Arrival Sponsorship, dated 12 Aug 1996 d. 21st TAACOM Bulletin #9, dated 26 April 1996 2. PURPOSE. To provide a means to ensure that all newly assigned personnel are properly sponsored. Additionally, this SOP defines and describes the effective implementation of our sponsorship program and establishes policies and provides guidance for all unit personnel assigned as sponsors.…show more content…
Sponsoring letters will contain the following information: (1)soldiers assignment (2)the units mission and secondary missions (RSOI) (3)his or her supervisor (4)cost of insurance (5)housing situation (6)location of housing areas (7)waiting list for housing (8)location of schools (9)transportation of housing (10)transportation of schools (off post housing) (11)medical and dental facilities (12)EFMP program (if necessary) (13)day care facilities, cost and hours of operation 6. CONUS Hire GS Employees: The Bn Cdr will send a welcome letter to any CONUS hire GS employees. The senior GS civilian of the destination section will provide a sponsor and ensure that ACS packets and sponsor’s letters are completed and mailed. OFFICE SYMBOL Sponsorship SOP 7. SUMMARY: Making the transition for incoming soldiers less stressful as well as a smooth operation should be a high priority on each unit’s agenda. Let’s make the program work and build esprit within each unit from the first day in Europe. You can only make a first impression once. 8. Point of contact this memorandum is 1SG _______ at XXX-XXXX. ____________ CPT, QM

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