Military Intelligence Case Summary

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The Family Programs department of Headquarters Military Intelligence Readiness Command prepared to execute a contract for to provide two days of briefing to the family members of a unit deployed to Iraq. During the preparation the family program determined the exact needs of mission. The contractor was to provide 150 double bed rooms and four different briefing rooms with audio and visual equipment to be used by the briefers. Military contracts are put out for bid on Only vendors that receive a Central Contractor Registration number can make bids on government contracts. The potential vendor is required to be able to fulfil all of the requirements of the requestor. In this case a third party vendor not in the hotel business but…show more content…
The event planner first attempted to add three rooms to the contract in excess of the 13K on the first day. This violation was reported to the COR and the event planner removed the request. The second violation came on the second day when the event planners attempt to provide childcare at a different location besides the hotel. The childcare facility was ten blocks away from the hotel. This violation was reported to the COR and upon contacting the event planner, the events planner provided the childcare in accordance with the awarded contract. The COR also contacted the contracting office in hopes of terminating the contract of the event planner and awarding the contract directly to the hotel. The actions failed because the event planner ultimately provided the requirements of the contract as they were stated in award. On day three of the contract the audio systems batteries began to die with no replacement batteries available by the event planner. The hotel ended up providing the event planner the batteries required to complete the briefings at a price. The COR was notified of this failure and the COR again contacted the contracting office with no result in terminating the

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