Apple Inc Case Research

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Analysis of Case 1 Apple Inc. in 2012: Can It Sustain Its Growth and Defend against New Competitive Threats? By Maria Venizelos October 21, 2013 1309MGMT6709080 9% Introduction Apple Inc. is known as one of the most innovative companies in the Micro Computer Industry. Apple is known for their innovation and quality from computers, to iPhones and the ability to download music through their iTunes Store. This paper will analyze their industry environment using The Five-Forces Model of Competition: A Key Analytical Tool (see Figure 1) and the Case Study: “Apple Inc. in 2012: Can It Sustain Its Growth and Defend against New Competitive Threats”, (Gamble, 2012). Figure 1 Harvard Business Review, 2008 Industry Environment Evaluating an industries environment is based on well-defined analytical tools as described in Thompson, 2012, (p. 34). What are the competitive forces and how strong are these forces, What forces are changing in the industry and the impact these changes will have on profitability, what market positions do rivals occupy, their strategic moves, key factors in future success and outlook to good profitability. Competitors Has Apple been able to stay competitive in this industry? Yes, as stated by Gamble, 2012, “Apple’s proprietary operating system and strong graphics-handling capabilities” have differentiated them from their rivals, but allowed them to move forward and change with the industry. Tom Coughlin in Forbes Daily Posts states that though “There are some limitations to a company’s ability to change what it does, Apple proves the point that” they can continue to become a high-mobility company” and not become stagnant within the industry. Compared to how Tan, 2013 describes “Apples predominance position is losing” (p.94).

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