Android vs Ios

391 Words2 Pages
Android VS IOS Apple has always been a respected and desired name in the world of mobile technology but with further developments in field, Android is also a name which is very much appreciated by the users. Where Android is a Linux based operating system, IOS is based on UNIX. Both have equally promising efficiency. In sales Apple has always beaten its android competitors but the growth of Android has skyrocketed in few years because of its more compatible user interface and easy to deal with software. On the one hand IOS users have access to most of the paid applications; Android makes it cheaper for their user by including third party other than its app store (Google play), it has also provided some Google widgets to please its user and make the experience of Android more comfortable and reachable. While Android has made its UI more flexible and customizable, in IOS you have to go by the rules to install any new software. One more trend of present day technology is wearable gadgets which have started to gain traction. It was first started by android in March at London wearable show where more than 100 wearable technologies were displayed. From augmented Google eye wear to jackets which monitor our every move. With so many manufactures using Android, the prices are not as hefty as they are for IOS which works only in and apple device. The androids pave way for innovation. Though there are some casual apps on IOS, Androids always comes with bigger and better surprises. Even if a thing is not available it is assured in Android that thing will come in the best possible time and condition rather than Apple for which we have to wait for a long time to release something. Androids and IOS offer two major platforms today, with each having its unique advantages and characteristics. While Apple demands money and has tightly linked hardware and software, it also has

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