America Boom Or Bust Analysis

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America: Boom or Bust? Year after year people born in the United States have great opportunities. People born in America have a lot better opportunity to do something special than someone born in a different country. America is commonly known as the “Land of opportunity,” and that is a great name. America has countless opportunities for someone to be successful. The average American has a better opportunity to do something special, than someone born in a different less fortunate country. As the 21st century goes on Americans keep growing and expanding with opportunities. On the other hand there are many possibilities to why the United States will not keep booming in the 21st century. Many of the nations jobs have been moved overseas.…show more content…
America is, and always will be growing. For a long time there has been a belief that America is this great frontier. Author Laurence Shames points out that “ The Frontier as a reality, and as a symbol, is what shaped the American way of doing things and the American sense of what’s worth doing” (Shames 88). People who are born in America are raised and brought up to believe they can do whatever they want. If a person wants to be a doctor, but doesn’t have the background to do it, they can if they work hard enough for it. For example, a child born into a family that has no money is unlikely to go to college if they don’t work hard. However, if they work really hard in school and get good grades, they can earn a scholarship to a good university and get schooling for free. The harder they work in college can determine if they can get another scholarship to attend medical school. Once in medical school the student is just a few steps away from becoming a doctor. Any person born in the United States can have this same opportunity if they work at…show more content…
Shames states “The concept of growth has been applied almost exclusively to things that can be measured, counted, and weighed” (Shame 88). People in the United States like to compare themselves to other people just as America likes to compare itself against other countries. Whenever there is an opportunity where someone wins and someone loses people are going to be competitive. Competiveness is another factor that can lead to American booming in the 21st century. No country wants to fall behind another country in terms of technology. Every country wants to have to latest and greatest technology. Protection and safety in the United States is a good example of this. In the U.S. people want to know they are safe. Experts have designed ways of protecting people in the country in case there ever is an attack on the United States. It would be very bad if another countries technology of weapons of mass destruction were far superior then the United State’s. The United States must never fall behind when in comes to technology. Competiveness among people will also keep America booming. When it comes to the work place Americans get very competitive. They know at any time the person to there left or right could be fired or be there next boss. All Americans want to be the best they can be so they will work as hard as possible to get any promotion they can
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