Advertising Principles Essay

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EXAM FORMAT. 1 Hour writing time plus an additional 15 minutes reading time. The exam will feature: PART A: 10 true/false questions. 10 multi choice questions: Each worth 1 mark. Total: 20 marks. Selected practice questions will be available online. Actual questions in PART A will be different to these practice questions. PART B: Two of the below questions will feature on the exam. Note: you will not have a choice of the questions featured on the exam. You must complete the questions that feature on the exam. Each question is worth 15 marks. Total: 30 marks TOTAL: 50 marks. 1) The Rossiter-Percy-Bellman (R-P-B) grid can be used to help identify appropriate creative tactics for advertising. What brand awareness objective(s) is/are most appropriate for Google in its category or categories? Discuss. Which quadrant of the R-P-B grid is most relevant to Google in terms of brand preference? What creative tactics would you recommend for Google advertising? Explain your answer. 2) Discuss the notion of the ‘global brand’ and the potential strategies available to achieve it. Also evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a globalised approach. 3) “Although advertising can be, and is, used in a variety of different ways, its primary contribution is in helping to build and sustain brands for commercial benefit.” John Bartle (1997). Explain this statement in your own words, describing the contribution that advertising can make to successful brands. Give an example of a strong brand and explain the role that advertising has played in its success. In your example, could it be said that IMC has also played a part? Explain your answer. 4) “It is nice to have your ad liked, but that does not necessarily make it more effective”. Critically discuss what other elements beyond Ad Likeability are important when measuring advertising effectiveness and outline why these measures are

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