Adolescences and Current Significant Issues

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Adolescence starts between the ages of 11-18 years. Adolescents encounter lots of stressful events during this stage such as puberty, coping with new feelings, moving from junior high to high school or elementary to middle school, and meeting different types of expectations. The authors of Development through the Lifespan mentioned that “puberty leads to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity. Thought becomes abstract and idealistic and school achievement more serious. Adolescents begin to establish autonomy from the family and to define personal values and goals” (Berk, Laura. Pg8). There are different things adolescents have to deal with but not all adolescents encounter the same life altering circumstances such as the death of a family member or moving to a new town. Most children meet these challenges successfully and grow into healthy adults while others have a harder time coping with their problems which leads to future problems such as using drugs recreationally or being addicted to substances. In this review I will address current significant issues in the United States that are affecting adolescence such as pregnancy, obesity and mental illness. Therefore, I will utilize The U.S Department of Health and Human Services website to complete my review. The subtitle “reproductive health” under the U.S Department of Health and Human Services covers the topics of adolescents. At this stage an adolescent’s hormones changes and transform boys and girls into young men and women in which they are able to have children of their own ( Female fertility starts after puberty and the average age of a girl’s first period is usually between the ages of 12 to 13. Although it seems that teens are having sex frequently at an early age, website stated “the percent of adolescents who are having sex at earlier ages has decreased since 1998.” Therefore it

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