Milestones and Important Influences of Adolescence

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Evaluate the milestones and important influences of adolescence. The beginning of adolescence is often marked by the onset of puberty. Puberty is “the period during which an individual becomes physiologically capable of reproduction.” (Danesi, 1994, pp5-6) Puberty is therefore, in most cases, a major milestone for adolescents as it is mainly the defining factor of how the adolescent period begins. Clarke (1968, p53) mentions in his book that there are rare exceptions to puberty and adolescence occurring simultaneously. Clarke writes of Greulich “citing the case of a precocious girl who attained puberty at the age of three years and eleven months: at one year of age, her breasts were quite large; at three years and seven months, she menstruated.” Gabriel (1971, p298) explains this phenomenon as precocious puberty: “In exceptional cases, the restraining substances cease to function, and the releasing mechanism becomes prematurely active. The result is precocious puberty, i.e. sexual development at an early age, perhaps at six.” Clarke (1968, p53) also notes the “basic difference between adolescence and puberty. The two periods begin at much the same time, but adolescence lasts for about eight years and involves not only the pubertal changes in the child-adolescent’s body but also refers to the total process of growing up and to the whole range of characteristics, biological and social-psychological.” The physiological changes in the body that mark the inception of puberty are crucially important in the behavioural changes the adolescent undergoes during this time in his/her life. Puberty effects the adolescents in their mental maturation, curiosity and makes them susceptible to important influences such as peer-pressure and media-coverage on how to look and act. Although psychologists have termed this time in a person’s life as one of “sturm und drang” (Stanley

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