Adhesive Tape Essay

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PC 3110 Group Project Report Adhesive tape ---Determine the force necessary to remove a piece of adhesive tape from a horizontal surface. Investigate the influence of the relevant parameters. Group members: Liu Chang, Lim Sijia, Yeoh Yi Shuen Contents · Objective · Apparatus · Photos · Procedures · Individual Timeline · Parameters & their Relevance to the problem · Results & Graphs · Discussion & Evaluation · Sources of error · Conclusion · Recommendations · Literature Research & Reference Objectives To determine the relationship between angle of pulling and the force needed to remove a piece of masking tape stuck on a horizontal surface, and to find out the angle at which the force needed is the minimum. Apparatus String, Pioneer masking tape, hollow plastic tube, ceramic tile, force sensor, laptop, motorized winch, computer interface (aMixer), retort stand, pulley, protractor, pendulum bob. Photos The tape we used---Pioneer masking tape We threaded a string through a hollow plastic tube and knotted it. We stuck the tape onto the tube and then onto the tile . The tapes’ lengths are always kept at 7cm. Then we passed the string through pulley which was fixed on the retort stand. Finally we tie the string onto the sensor which is connected with the laptop. Before we peeling the tape, we measured the angle with the protractor. The experimental setup Procedure 1. Connect the aMixer to the force sensor (± 10N) and the laptop. 2. Clamp the motor to the table and connect the motor, where the strings are wound, to the power supply. 3. On the Addestation software, calibrate the equipment and zero the sensor with no tension in the string. 4. Clamp a pulley to the retort stand. 5. Attach a string to the force sensor and bring it over the pulley. Thread the other side of the string through the hollow plastic tube and knot it. 6. Turn on

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