Access Control System

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Project Scope Statement Project Title: Access Control System. Project Justification: I have to make a card sweep access control system for the dormitory. It is important for dormitory to have a secure entrance and logout system. It will have security camera installed to monitor the persons accessing to the dormitory. It will protect unauthorized access. It will ensure the safety of students in the dormitory. There may have this system installed in all other dormitories to ensure the safety there. Project Scope: This project has a plan of creating an Access Control System. The system will have an integrated proximity reader. There will have cards for the entrance. The system will verify the card to provide access. The system will use a security camera to get the real time picture of the person sweep the card. It will also enable the authority to monitor the condition from other places. Major Tasks: 1. Initial Planning 2. Setup 3. Limitations 4. Monitoring 5. Finalize the Task Goals: Projects will be successful if the system works properly to control unauthorized access. It will be useful for the college to ensure the safety of the students staying in the dormitory and monitor their activity. Initial Planning: It is essential to have proper planning before start the task. Planning is the important thing for any project to be successful. There will have planning about integration of the system, software requirements, equipment requirements, power supply, camera integration, Requirements: There are few requirements like power supply, monitoring the access control services, software requirements, system requirements, setup is important to be succeeded with the system. Setup: Setup is important for any type of system. It is important to identify the physical and internal conditions and how it will perform on that condition to
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