Abnormal Psychology Assignment 7

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Assignment 7 Steven Baumfalk 1. Children with retarded growth due to growth hormone deficiency may be given synthetic growth hormone. Proper nutrition is essential for normal growth and health. The permanent teeth arrive in middle childhood. Dental heath has improved, in part because of use of sealants on chewing surfaces. Malnutrition can affect all aspects of development. Obesity, which is increasingly common among U.S. children, entails health risks. It is influenced by genetic and environmental factors and can be treated. Concern with body image, especially among girls, may lead to eating disorders. Because of improved motor development, boys and girls in middle childhood can engage in a wide range of motor activities. 2. Middle childhood is a relatively healthy period; most children are immunized against major illnesses, and the death rate is the lowest in the life span. Respiratory infections and other acute medical conditions are common. Chronic conditions such as asthma are most prevalent among poor and minority children. Children's understanding of health and illness is related to their cognitive level. Cultural beliefs affect expectations regarding health care. Vision becomes keener during middle childhood, but some children have defective vision or hearing. Most children who are HIV-positive function normally in school and should not be excluded from any activities of which they are physically capable. Accidents are the leading cause of death in middle childhood. Use of helmets and other protective devices and avoidance of trampolines, snowmobiling, and other dangerous sports can greatly reduce injuries. 3. A child at about age 7 enters the stage of concrete operations. Children are less egocentric than before and are more proficient at tasks requiring logical reasoning, such as spatial thinking, understanding of causality,

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