A Homemade Education Analysis

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Blake McKenzie 18 September 2012 Everything Happens For A Reason In “A Homemade Education” Malcolm X made a decision about his education that enabled him to be the political activist that he is known for today. Malcolm X states “I knew right there in prison that reading had changed forever the course of my life” (201). During my sophomore football season I sat the bench hoping for a shot at the starting job. The opportunity never came therefor it was time for a change. I decided to start the second semester of the 2009-2010 school year at John Paul II High School, one of the local private schools. Malcolm X did not pick up a book and just start reading; he took steps toward his change, as did I. The trick was finding a school that I could…show more content…
Wildcat Stadium is the place to be on Friday nights, thousands of people cramming into a huge stadium looking over a 120 yd. by 53 yd. rectangle covered in artificial turf. Ever since I was little I dreamed of being the starting quarterback for the Calallen Wildcats. Playing football in Pop Warner and in middle school were jus stepping-stones to what I wanted to accomplish in high school. Freshman year we finished 10-0 and I was sure that my sophomore year was going to be “my year.” The next season came around the corner and I was not on the field rather I was on the sidelines. A lot of people told me “ Don’t worry Blake your time will come.” I could have looked at things differently but the one thing I hate more than anything is watching someone else play quarterback. The season went on and I would clean up the blowout games and things most backups did. After the season I decided I had had enough. I quickly came to the decision that I should transfer to another school. Leaving Calallen to play football somewhere else is unheard of; you just do not do it. At first my parents questioned my opinion but they changed overtime and began to side with me. Once I had my parents on my side it was just a matter of finding a school. The clock was ticking for my family and I to find a new school. Within the last month of the semester I found what I felt was going to be my new home, John Paul II High School. Making the decision to leave Calallen was easy but nobody said adjusting to new changes would
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