6 Principles of Communication

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The Six Principles of Communication By: Cheryl Hartley There are Six Principles of Communication. They are referred to as Communication Context, Sources-Receivers, Message, Channel, Noise, and lastly Effects. Communication is a process of two or more individuals passing information to and from one another through channels. The first of the six principles is Context. The context is what influences what you are trying to say in a message. The context may be social, cultural, physical, or chronological. The context can include non-verbal and verbal communication being sent by the sender to the receiver. The second of the six principles is the Sources/Receiver. The source is the person who is sending the message. The can do this be talking, texting, writing, body language and more. The receiver is the person that the message is intended to go to. The receiver receives messages by seeing, listening, reading and understanding one another. The third of the six principles of communication is the Message. The message can be any communication done by email, texting, writing, body language, and talking. Everything we do and say communicates a message in some way to other individuals. The way we smell, look, listen, talk, and so forth sends a message to other individuals. The fourth of the six principals of communication is the Channel. The channel is the way in which a message is communicated. The channel can be communication through the media, text and the obvious face to face. The fifth of the six principles is the Noise. Noise is what gets in the way of the source getting the message to the receiver. Noise can be anything from people talking loudly, an interruption while communicating, handwriting that is unreadable, or simply just misunderstood. We can not prevent noise from happening during communication but we can try to limit it. The final principle is
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