Xcom Essay

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Associate Level Material Nonverbal Communication Codes View the following video located on the student website: ABC News' 20/20: That’s So Rude: Cultural Differences in Manners between Japan and the U.S. (2006) Analyze the nonverbal communication codes demonstrated in the video. Answer the questions located below each image from the video. Save this document to your desktop. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? What cultural barriers are seen in this image? What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? What cultural barriers can be seen in this image? What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? What cultural barriers can be seen in this image? What nonverbal
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