12 Credit Ptlls

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Home » Meeting the requirements of 12 credit PTLLS learning outcome 2 Meeting the requirements of 12 credit PTLLS learning outcome 2 If you’ve got a PTLLS assignment to write for the new 12 credit PTLLS learning outcome 2, Understanding Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Lifelong Learning, then there are a few topics that you need to cover. You will need to consider the assessments that are available to help identify the learning styles of learners. Then you need to research the teaching and learning approaches can you use to meet these learning styles. How will you ensure that the teaching and learning approaches you have selected are effective? Link your teaching learning approaches to key learning theories. At level 4, justify why you have chosen these particular teaching and learning approaches in relation to learning theory. You will need to explain how you create an inclusive learning environment in lifelong learning. Explain where you can get the information that will help you to ensure that learning is inclusive. Where have you used, or come across, good examples of inclusive learning? Why were they effective? Discuss organisational and individual learner factors that could influence or impact on your choice of teaching and learning strategies. When explaining how to select resources to meet the needs of learners, you will need to identify the resources that are available to you. How do these resources meet the needs of your learners? Give some examples of things that could impact your choice of resources. Describe how you will identify and prepare your resources, and what or who you can use for assistance. You will need to explain how to provide opportunities for learners to practice their functional skills. You need to discuss how you will embed functional skills in your lessons. Give examples and describe why your approaches will be effective. When
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