Unit 201 Essay

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Principles of communication in adult social care setting Unit 201 Outcome 1 Understand why communication is important in adult social care settings 1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate. People communicate; to give and receive support to express thought and ideas to obtain share and express information to express feelings wishes needs and emotions to develop relationships 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult care settings Whether verbal or non verbal communication is used between carer and resident it is extremely important so that I as a carer can understand their needs, feelings and wishes so that they are cared for as well as they possibly can be. I must communicate with their family, other work colleagues and specialist practitioners to ensure I know and understand fully the residents wishes and care plan. 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe individuals reactions when communicating with them. Whether verbal or non verbal communication is used it helps me understand a resident. E.g. if a resident is shouting this may indicate distress and fear or they may simply need something. Each resident is different so it is important to know the resident. Also a distressed resident may distress other residents so I need to know when it is necessary when to take the resident to a safe area so I can calm them quietly and make them feel as secure as I can whilst I ascertain their needs. Or an example of non-verbal might be a resident using eye contact or grabbing me for my attention they may feel insecure or may just need toileting. Hence I need to be observing constantly to help me care for the residents to the best of my ability. Outcome 2 Understand how to meet the communication and language needs,wishes and preferences of an individual 2.1 Explain why

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