Unit 110 - Health and Social Care Behaviours

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Unit 110 – Behaviour Threatening behaviors may include statements or acts of intention and/or expressions of excessive emotion. They can be indirect or direct, verbal or nonverbal. Shaking a fist or pounding on a desk are examples of nonverbal threats. Verbal threats may be indirect expressions of frustration or anger directed toward a person or they may be direct statements of the intention to harm. Any threatening behavior should be considered potentially serious and reported. Effective communication can help to calm a patient down if they are being abusive or argumentative. It is important to try and find out why the patient is in this frame of mind. Communicating in a way that the individual can understand is vital. Explaining to the person what you are doing and the reasoning behind it can help. Talking in a calm and soothing manner can influence a calming mood in these given situations. Constructive behaviour techniques can often help to diffuse aggressive situations. Coming to a compromise with a patient can often settle argument for example letting relatives to come in out of visiting hours to allow a friendly face to keep the patient reassured. Warnings are often given to patients who do not comply with treatment or who are aggressive towards any member of staff. Although we cannot force a patient to do anything or have treatment they don’t want. We must make the patient aware that it is in their best interests that they comply with treatment. A senior doctor would have to discuss the issues regarding this with the patient in depth before a decision is made – often patients will change their mind after speaking to a doctor. Constantly reassessing the situation is vital in these types of situations as patients can often become quickly confused or distressed over the smallest of things. It might just mean that we have to have a 1-1 special

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