You Have Been a Police Recruit for the Past Few Months. Convince a Friend to Join Up.

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Times are ever changing, and with time so too is the career path which young men and women will choose to pursue. Though becoming a police officer may not be the first option for young men and women in this era, I can almost guarantee that joining the force is an option that a person of good character will not regret. We are living in hard economic times and “insecure” seems to be the word of the day when speaking about a person’s job status. The Royal Barbados Police Force is one of very few organisations offering secure employment, with a full salary that starts from the moment an applicant is sworn in to become a police constable. Did I forget to mention that this swearing in ceremony takes place even before the initial training starts? That’s right, there is an initial training course which runs for 27 weeks at the Regional Police Training Centre, and from day one police constables are paid their full salaries. If that isn’t incentive enough, would you believe that you’re paid according to your academic qualifications as well? The base salary is a good one to start with but you get paid for 3 to five CXC subjects, then another increment is added for your associate degree and another for a bachelor’s degree. That means if you start off with a strong academic foundation your starting salary is over $3000.00 Barbados currency monthly. Think about the savings you’ll have in six months. That’s an attractive start if I’ve ever seen one. There is a two year probationary period before a constable is permanent in his rank, but get this those six months at initial training are included so it’s almost one year and six months probation. Being at the Regional Police Training Centre is a truly enlightening experience. Not only will young officers develop a healthy financial start but we also grow in our personal development. Now I know you must be wondering why I would say

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