Workplace Safety In The Workplace

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Workplace safety has become a hot-button issue in every industry. According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 3 million non-life threatening injuries occurred in the workplace in 2014. The good news is, that figure is 54,000 less than it was in 2013. We can quote statistics until the cows come home, but the bottom line is, companies still have to work very hard to minimize the risk of injuries to their employees. Three million represents only a small segment of the population, but it is still a large enough number to draw attention to safety issues that are often ignored in many workplaces. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does its part to ensure that safety information…show more content…
It is important to always be aware of your surroundings no matter where you work, and to make sure you completely understand instructions and guidelines before commencing work on a project. Taking shortcuts can not only result in shoddy work, it can also mean putting yourself at risk for an accident. Supervisors should re-think assignments in order to prevent injuries. Make sure the right person is chosen for the job and that the time frame is manageable, not one that will leave an individual or team scrambling against an unrealistic deadline. 2. Employees Who Travel Must Not Forsake Safety According to OSHA, workplace vehicular accidents cost employers about $60 billion per year. If employees are driving company-owned vehicles, it is imperative that those vehicles be inspected regularly, and repaired or replaced when necessary. Inspections should take place on a monthly basis and items including brake lights, turning signals, and tire pressure should always be checked. Attention to even the smallest details goes a long way when it comes to preventing car accidents. 3. Never Ignore the…show more content…
Everything from a messy desk to an industrial space cluttered with tools or dangerous machinery could cause injuries. Employees should be encouraged to be mindful of the state of their personal spaces, taking time to organize papers, put away tools and other items that are not currently being used, and ensure there are no other hazards that could cause any mishaps. Things like slips-and-trips, and fires commonly occur when routine “housekeeping” isn’t performed regularly. 6. Encourage An Active Safety Environment Many larger companies can spend serious dollars on consultants and other professionals to teach their employees about workplace safety. Fortunately, the internet and social media has made it easier for smaller organizations to provide the same instructions to their employees. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social media destinations can help any size company foster a culture of safety, as well as share ideas about how to minimize, and hopefully eliminate workplace injuries. 7. The Simpler Things Stay, the Safer Everyone Will
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