Why Is the Initial Consultation so Important? What Factors Will an Ethical Therapist Cover at This Time?

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There are a many points the therapist’s should consider during the initial consultation. I will describe the consultation in detail, then go on to discuss the ethical factors faced by the therapist and the challenges of consultation itself. Before meeting the client; it is very important to consider the environment you wish to carry out the therapy, there are a number of aspects of the room itself that need to be carefully thought through. The layout of the room should be considered. The general accepted approach is to have 2 comfortable chairs facing each other at an angle for the consultation and the therapies to take place, even the consideration of a recliner for hypnotherapy. We also need to look at other l factors, such as the colour of the room, consider if the room is in a noisy area or a quiet area, the quieter the area of the room the better, consideration whether to play music or keep it simple and peaceful, ask the client which they would prefer. As well as that we need to take into consideration how we dress which should be casual but smart but not as formal as to wear a suit, thought should be given into how the room smells as certain smells could trigger a memory for the client. There are number of positive reasons why you offer a initial consultation. It allows the therapist to meet the client face to face to assess their own suitability for the therapy based on the following information that will be sort and to determine if they have the skills and expertise to work with the client. also for the client to see if they can receive the therapy from their chosen therapist. You can start with a free chat consultation face to face, which lasts around 15 to 20 minutes, where the therapist can explain what hypnotherapy is and what the client is looking for in hypnotherapy and what they hope to achieve from it. Also the structure of hypnotherapy,

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