Why I'M Proud to Be an American

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Imagine a place where you can believe anything you want to, where you have many cool inventions, and have strong powerful men and fighting for you. America is my home forever. I was born and raised here and i don’t plan on moving. I am proud to be an American because i have freedom of religion, advanced technology, and a strong military. Firstly, America has the freedom of religion. You can believe any religion you want to in America. If you were in Cuba you couldn’t believe the religion you want to. The First amendment protects your right as an American citizen to believe any religion you want to. In America you have the right to pray, go to church, talk about your God to anyone, but in many other countries you don’t have the right to do that. Secondly, America has advanced technology. America has come up with many genius inventions. Some inventions are: the first gas powered car, steamboats, the telegraph, traffic lights, video games, and the electric TV. Ever since then we have been finding ways to make old inventions better. America is still advancing and coming out with new things each day. Thirdly, America has a strong military force. We have won a lof of wars in the pas. Even though we are still in some wars, we’ve never gave up and are still fighting. I feel safe in america become of our military system is so successful. I thank all of the veterans out there that has sacrificed their life to defend their country. In conclusion America has a lot of freedom like freedom of religion. We have many great inventions in america. Also, America is defended by a great, strong military. So, imagine a place where you can believe anything you want to, where you have many cool inventions, and have strong powerful men and women fighting for you. Are you proud to be an

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