Why I Want to Stay in the Army

506 Words3 Pages
In this essay, I will write in the most effective way I know how, in an informal and descriptive style. Many things have happened in my life to make me want to join the military, I come from a very rural area of Missouri, where there’s not many military folks. SO needless to say, when I was younger, the sight of an awesome soldier carried a lot of weight with it. …And as it would turn out, my dream. I hung out with a lot of questionable characters back home before joining the army. This isn’t because I was shy to make new friends, this was due to the fact that there were so few people in my town that the demographics that I would think of befriending were few and far between. Having joined the army, it’s managed to simultaneously improve my life in countless ways, and put me in social situations where I could make friends that shared those same values. Buddies who have my back no matter what the circumstances, and buddies that I’d take a bullet for. As I said before, military was few and far between in my hometown. So you can imagine my parents reaction when I told them I was joining into something that nobody in my family had even considered, nor knew anything about. They were scared, as I was. But as time went on, and my family saw what the army had done to me, they began to relax and understand a little bit. They were familiar with my old questionable friends, and knew that my new friends were leaps and bounds better people than the old ones. That was The first time my mom sat me down and told me how proud she was of me. How She was so glad that I found a niche and good friends, And that the job I do in the military makes her proud. That she talks about me to her friends. I had become stronger, smarter, more driven. I was a new person, and It wasn’t until she told me that that I had noticed. The army made me a better person. Period. In every aspect,

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