Personal Narrative: Charlie's Other Angels

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Chandler Browning Mrs. Dulaney English I Prep-AP- 7 16 September 2011 Charlie’s Other Angels Grief is a hard thing. You don’t know when to stop or start the hurt. You don’t know whether to cry or to keep quiet. I know grief. It came knocking at my door suddenly without notice. It came and took two very, very valuable possessions of mine; Olga and Bella, and left me behind. Maybe it wasn’t grief that took away my friends, but grief did take over me when they were suddenly gone. The house was only so quiet for one reason, they weren’t there to fill up the silence, nothing was. Just like the victims of 9/11, one day my family was happy and full of life and the next day we were stripped of what made us smile, just like that. Sullen…show more content…
It all started with getting, Olga, our first bulldog. Olga was special. She knew when someone was down, and when one of us was, she was the reason to feel better. This all seems unreal for just a dog, but she wasn’t just a dog, she was a friend. Observant and wise, my mom always said Olga and I had a special connection. Whether it was playing in the backyard or trying to block out her noisy snoring during the night, she was unlike anything else. But as days went on, guilt built up. Our whole family didn’t like to see Olga’s sad, neglected face when we drove away to go on with our daily routines. So after many pleads and pleases to my parents, it wouldn’t just be one bulldog at the Browning household. Meet Bella, the runt of the liter. Olga and Bella didn’t hit it off at the start. It was Olga’s house, Olga’s food, Olga’s toys, but now she had to share them. This sounds pretty familiar for most siblings, because they really were like a family fighting and not wanting to share. But once Olga learned some manners and Bella backed off, they were inseparable. If Bella got a treat Olga got a treat. When Olga went in the car and got to sit on Mommy’s lap, so did Bella. They were little babies that barked like angels, as that is what they would

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