Cookie & Me By Mary Jane Ryals: An Analysis

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Tallahassee during the civil rights movement was a less than desirable place to be for African Americans. The weight of racism in this southern town affected everyone, even down to the children and their education. It was the south at its worst from outrageous segregation laws, Jim Crow, and bus boycotts. In Ryals’ novel “Cookie & Me, Mary Jane Ryals tells a story of two young girls of different races trying to be friends in the midst of a city determined to be segregated, but the girls themselves were also determined. The hardest struggle the girls faced was being able to be friends in public. Everything between them had to be secret if they wanted to stay friends. In this novel the main place they couldn’t be friends happened to be school.…show more content…
The article shows where two candidates Culbreth and Alexander wanted to do something different and integrate the recreational facilities for everyone, it came as no shock when both of these men lost. The integration of schools was a very hard thing for people to accept in Tallahassee. Glenda Alice Rabby further explains this in chapter twelve of her book The Pain and the Promise: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Tallahassee, Florida where she speaks about the first two years of integration at Leon high school and tells the stories of the first four black students to attend. In Ryals’ novel cookie was one of the first brave black children to attend the school and she was constantly reminded of her race every day. Although all of the odds were against them Rayann and Cookie still made a way to be friends, they even went on trips together into the city where they were given strict instructions on how to carry themselves while out together. As Rayann and Cookies friendship grew they became a little more careless with their actions and wanted to become more involved in the rallies and race issues of Tallahassee. This proved not to be a very good idea for them cookie eventually got hurt and it was very hard for her to get treated at Memorial because she was black. Even through everything that was going on in Tallahassee from riots to protests to boycotts much still didn’t change, Cookie and Rayann’s friendship was no more accepted than it was when they first got together. Although no one accepted their friendship and they weren’t allowed to be friends in public Cookie and Rayann had a very strong friendship. Cookie had been there for Rayann through everything, lucky trying to molest her, her mom being in the hospital and her father’s betrayal. Without cookie Rayann probably wouldn’t have made it through those tough times in her

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