Title The Interpretive Journey-Old Testament-Final Paper Hensley Session 5 Paper BIB-230 ON252 Adult Studies Dr. T. Varney Final Course Reflection July 16, 2011 Throughout this bible class we have given the opportunity to learn many valuable processes and concepts in order to better equip us for biblical understanding. In the past five sessions I have had a chance to see what techniques work and don’t work for me and my study of the word. We will discuss the concepts and skills that have been most meaningful to me and how I will utilize them in a meaningful way. We will also discuss the concepts and skills that I need to study and practice further. And finally, the concept or skill that I did not find particularly useful and why.
He works with the legal system to run various individual and group outpatient therapies. Dr. Cross is also a Christian minister at a local church and uses Christian techniques to work with clients. The legal system gives the clients the choice to attend counseling from a general counselor or a Christian based counselor. He works with parolees and other court appointed clients as referrals. Focus The main focus for Dr. Cross is to educate the clients through Christian learning and faith.
Dr. Anderson displays a strong foundation of counseling through truth and having a relationship with Christ. Other web based articles were used to support the theory of Anderson’s book. Although the web based articles other different avenues of Christian counseling all of the sources used share a common root, how to show others how to overcome their problems to become healthy well adjusted individuals by using biblical concepts. Christian Counseling to the Spiritually Oppressed Discipleship is receiving instruction from a religious leader and being a follower who has learned to believe in the truth of the doctrine of his teacher. Discipleship in today’s world can be in the form of a Christian counseling.
He is presently on his fourth marriage, three of which occurred before his understanding of the sanctity of marriage. After accepting Jesus, his life was transformed for God’s Kingdom. Today, he travels around the world, teaching and equipping Christians to be successful evangelists. Content Summary Share Jesus Without Fear is a comprehensive attempt to guide Christians in effective sharing of the gospel by presenting God’s vision for evangelism, plan of
Spurgeon was surrounded by the by examples of the faith from early childhood. He spent his early years living with his grandparents in Stambourne, Essex were his grandfather was a Congregational minister. James Spurgeon was the local minister in the Stambourne area for fifty four years. He was said to have the gift for preaching and a dry sense of humor; both traits which Charles later inherited. Growing up in such a household allowed him to gain unique conscious that far exceeded his years, a consciousness which would add to his ability to minister to the people of all walks of life.
““Let the pupil make careful note of the following EXCEPTIONS.”” (paragraph 3, lines 8-9), for instance, or, “ ..last line of it - AFTER WHICH COMES THE VERB, and you find out for the first time what the man has been talking about;”(paragraph 5, lines 17-19) are examples of this particular comical approach. Mark Twain may have used this strategy to evoke readers to pay more attention to certain words, and to increase the words’ importance in his experience with learning the language. In the essay, Mark Twain has a tendency to put in his own personal opinions after an idea he feels strongly about. For example in paragraph 5, lines 23-26, Twain states, “I suppose that this closing hurrah is in the nature of the flourish to a man’s signature - not necessary, but pretty”. By saying his opinion at the end of the quote, Mark adds his own “personal flare”.
Scholars accountable, and perhaps even more importantly, as a community, they hold each other accountable. In an essay of no more than 500 words, tell us about a community (i.e. your school, your church, your neighborhood, etc.) that was instrumental to your personal development, including specific examples of how and why it challenged you to better yourself. Over the past four years, my school and church communities have been instrumental in my academic and personal growth.
We need to read and get an understanding of what others went through in their lives because most of us are experiencing those same things they were experiencing right now and today. I love the way this book depicts the lives of those in the Bible and how they interacted with others like their enemies and their families as well as how they handled different life changing experiences. I love the way their relationships were with God and how they prayed, rose
But though alcohol can cause one to be angry and abusive, it is also know to make you dance and sing. I believe in “My Papa’s Waltz” Theodore Roethke wanted people to see both the negative and the positive side of what this poem is conveying. This first way to look at this poem is to think of it in the negative since. From the very first stanza Roethke begins to use a very strong selection of words. Words like death, batter, scraped and beat are some of these strong words.
During the class on reading and the brain we discussed what reading was and the five areas of reading. The brain is not naturally able to read; we must train and practice it to be able to derived meaning from text. Based on this statement alone I can now see how reading and literacy are similar. During the class on comprehension and reading and writing the notes and videos really helped me tie both literacy and reading together. When we watch the videos the teachers were thinking out loud and discussing the little voice in her head that tells her things while she is reading, like “oh I have no idea what I just read” or “hum I wonder who this person is?” or “wow that’s neat!”.