Why Do We Do Things We Know Are Wrong

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Why do we do things we know are wrong Everyone sometimes does something they know is wrong, but why do we do it. Nigel in his text gives us an example in which we put ourselves in a position that we can either help our friend to take a book from the library where we work or to decline his proposal and say no. We know it would be wrong to do it, but why not if no one will find out about it. It all comes down to morality, as Nigel said, there are people who will think about others and decide not to do something wrong, but there are also people who just doesn’t care about others and will do the same thing because it will benefit them, even if it in any way hurts someone else. I say it depends from person to person because there will always be people who would do terrible things just to benefit themselves and there will always be a person who will share the only piece of bread with someone who doesn’t have any. I loved the sentence Nigel said we all heard, “How would you like it if someone did that to you?” I try to live by this sentence and another one, “Don't do things you don't want others to do to you”, these two sentences should be a rule for everyone, but after I read “The Brothers Karamazov” part, it made me wonder, why should there be any rules when it is in our nature to do wrong things, all those horrible scenes that are described, probably something similar happened somewhere, and that is the sad part. There are people who do wrong things because they enjoy doing it, they know they shouldn’t, and that they are hurting someone, but still to it. We are all just people and we all make mistakes, some more some less, but mostly we have a reason why we did it, and that reason could really be that we only do things because it would make us feel better or we don’t do them because not doing them makes us feel better. Mislav

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