Todd Strasser's On The Bridge

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Have you ever done something that you always reflect on and wish you had another chance? Did you hear that little voice inside your head? Many people make choices that they know are wrong but do it any to be considered “cool” to their peers. In the short story “On the Bridge”, Todd Strasser shows the idea that you should not change yourself to be cool because it can turn bad for you. Seth, the protagonist in “On the Bridge” wants to be accepted to his friend Adam, who makes very bad decisions. Seth follows Adam and makes the same choices as Adam even though he knows they are wrong. The theme is demonstrated by the central conflict Seth faces as well as thoughts words and actions of the characters of the story. The theme of “On the Bridge” is demonstrated by Seth’s conflict in the story. Seth wants to impress his friend Adam so he goes along with Adam and does the things Adam does even though he knows it is wrong. In the story Seth is tempted to leave many times but he stays with Adam because he thinks Adam is cool and being with Adam makes him cool. For example, this is evident when Seth thinks about leaving Adam.…show more content…
Adam’s actions are starting to worry Seth. This is evident when Adam pretends to throw a rock down at traffic. “He lifted his hand in the air as if he was holding an imaginary rock. Suddenly Adam threw his arm forward. Even though there was nothing in his hand, a lady Toyota put her hands up in fear. Her car swerved out of it’s lane momentarily. Seth felt his jaw drop. He could not believe that Adam had done that. Scared the crap out of her, Adam said”(Straser 125). This part of the story shows that Seth is starting to realize that Adam is a bad kid but stays because he want’s to be cool. The actions of Adam are starting to become wrong to Seth but he stays with
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