Why Did The Tudor State Develop Essay

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How did the Tudor state develop? 1536-53 What is King-in-Parliament? A kings authority was at its strongest when he exercised it as King-in-Parliament. It was the supreme law making body created after it was established in the 15th Century that laws required the assent of the King and both Houses of Parliament What were wills, property and finance managed by? The bureaucratic courts of Chancery and the Exchequer What were income and expenditure managed by? Were controlled from within the king's household, under the care of the Privy Chamber What was the Secretary? The king could delegate whatever tasks he chose and by the 1530's the secretary's duties often covered matters of state as well as the Kings personal affairs What did the King exercise power over and why? As the source of patronage he exercised supremacy over all 3 of the…show more content…
-provide clarity about the beliefs he wanted to define his church 
-because of a growing threat of Catholic invasion he set out to curb the more extreme Protestants, demonstrate essential orthodoxy of the English church What is the first piece of evidence of Henry doing this? The act of 6 Articles which included intervention from Henry himself- it restored transubstantiation, clerical celibacy, confession to a priest and set out harsh punishments for heresy What was the effect of the Act of 6 Articles? Marked a change in direction for the Church, was shocking enough for a Bishops Latimer and Shaxton to resign What did the trial of John Lambert show religiously for Henry? His distaste for the more extreme Protestant doctrines was clear What was the Kings book and what did it demonstrate? It was licensed in May 1543 and intended to replace the Bishops book of 1536. It interpreted the Creed, the 7 sacraments, the Lord's Prayer and the 10 commandments as they had been set out in the 6 articles What was the Act for the Advancement of True religion and what did it
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